Tripad Nakshatra Shanti & Panchak Nakshatra Shanti
Tripad Nakshatra Shanti :
Out of the total 27 constellations (नक्षत्रे), if a person’s death occurs when ‘Krittika’, ‘Punarvasu’, ‘Uttara Falguni’, ‘Vishakha', ‘Uttarashadha’ or ‘Purva Bhadrapada’ constellation is prevailing on a day, it is termed as inauspicious for death.
It is believed that if the proper ‘shanti ’ ritual is not performed, the dead person may carry another three (3) family members with him within a two-year period time (i.e. more 3 persons may pass away). So, in order to remove all those bad effects / evils / consequences / implications likely to be generated for the family members, due to this particular demise, ‘Tripad Nakshatra Shanti’ is performed.
Panchak Nakshatra Shanti :
Out of the total 27 constellations (नक्षत्रे), if a person’s death occurs when ‘Dhanishtha’ (latter part),‘ Shat taraka’, ‘ Purva Bhadrapada’, ‘ Uttara Bhadrapada’ & ‘ Revati ’ constellation is prevailing on a day, it is termed as inauspicious for death.
It is believed that if the proper ‘shanti ’ ritual is not performed, the dead person may carry another three (5) family members with him within a two-year period time (i.e. more 5 persons may pass away). So, in order to remove all those bad effects / evils / consequences / implications likely to be generated for the family members, due to this particular demise, ‘Panchak Nakshatra Shanti’ is performed.
These 5 constellations mentioned above are the last five (5) constellations in the order of sequence. It occurs when the moon’s longitude exist between 296 degrees and 360 degrees in sidereal calculation.